When comparing your hemophilia A treatment choices, you might also consider extended half-life (EHL) Esperoct® [antihemophilic factor (recombinant), glycopegylated-exei]. We start with the existing Novoeight® molecule and add PEGylation technology to extend the factor’s half-life. The result is up to 50% fewer infusions and factor levels that stay at or above 3% for 100% of the time.b,c
Choosing the treatment that’s right for you.
Whether you’re new to treatment or thinking about making a switch, it’s important to consider all your options. Take a closer look at how the features of Novoeight® may make it the right choice for you:
Choosing the treatment that’s right for you.
Whether you’re new to treatment or thinking about making a switch, it’s important to consider all your options. Take a closer look at how the features of Novoeight® may make it the right choice for you.
David, Dylan and Malcolm live with hemophilia A.
Is it time to reconsider your treatment? Check the standard half-life rFVIII Comparison Guide.a

The above table is not intended to compare the safety or efficacy of any of the product.
aData current as of July 22, 2020.
bTrough level goal is 1% for prophylaxis.
cData shown are from a study where 175 previously treated adolescents and adults received routine prophylaxis with Esperoct® 50 IU/kg every 4 days for 76 weeks. Pre-dose factor activity (trough) levels were evaluated at follow-up visits. Mean trough levels for adolescents (12-<18 years) were 2.7 IU/dL. 50% fewer for adults and adolescents if previously dosed every other day.

Interested in our free trial prescription program?
To learn more about our trial prescription program, please call 1-844-668-6732 to speak with a NovoSecure™ Specialist.d
dPatients who have been prescribed a Novo Nordisk hemophilia and rare bleeding disorder product for an FDA-approved indication, and who have commercial insurance may be eligible to receive a limited supply of free product. Patients who participate in any government, state, or federally funded medical or prescription benefit program, including Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, VA, DOD, and TRICARE, including patients who participate in a managed Medicaid program or have Medicaid as secondary insurance, are not eligible to receive product support. Product is provided at no cost to the patient or the HCP, is not contingent on any product purchase, and the patient and HCP must not: (1) bill any third party for the free product, or (2) resell the free product.

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