Access the product support Novo Nordisk offers for qualified patients.
Educational materials to help you live with hemophilia.
Novo Nordisk believes in supporting people living with hemophilia and their caregivers by providing educational materials and tools that help make managing hemophilia easier.
Educational materials to help you live with hemophilia.
Novo Nordisk believes in supporting people living with hemophilia and their caregivers by providing educational materials and tools that help make managing hemophilia easier.
Malcolm, center, lives with hemophilia A.
MixPro® Reconstitution Video
In this video, you can see how quick it is to mix a dose of Novoeight® in just 3 steps: attach, twist, and mix.
Conversation Starter
This guide can help you evaluate your treatment needs and then start the conversation with your health care provider about why Novoeight® may be right for you.
Novoeight® Small Case
This compact, lightweight case is durable and holds up to a week’s worth of Novoeight® factor. Choose from 9 designs, or customize the look of your case with your own image.
MixPro® Demonstration Kit
With this kit, you can learn how quick it is to mix a dose of Novoeight® and get an idea of its compact storage size and portability.
Hemophilia Dictionary
This handy reference defines common terms used when talking about various bleeding disorders, with statistics and other facts that may help increase your understanding and awareness.
Patient advocacy groups.
Hemophilia Federation of America™ (HFA)
Connecting people affected by bleeding disorders to others in their community, while advocating for the development of safe, affordable treatment options.
National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
The largest nonprofit organization dedicated to education, advocacy, and research of inheritable bleeding disorders.
World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)
Committed to improving and sustaining excellent care for people with bleeding disorders across the world.
Product support.

Team Novo8™ understands.

Team members are on a mission to inspire others.
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Novo Nordisk Hemophilia Community Liaisons are a great source of information.